On 13 January 2023, the Verte Warsaw Autograph Collection Hotel hosted a charity gala for the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your Life! with the participation of the GLOB-TRANS ITIS Management Board. During the gala, the ‘Business Personalities Calendar’ was presented and auctioned for people suffering from cancer. The individual pages of the calendar were illustrated with pictures of well-known personalities from the world of business, including Ms Sylwia Duch-Przybyłko, the President of the board of GLOB-TRANS ITIS. The whole income from the sale of the calendar has been donated to the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your Life!
You are welcome to buy this beautiful calendar at the link: https://allegro.pl/oferta/kalendarz-dla-fundacji-rak-n-roll-wygraj-zycie-13141696987