Dyrektywa NIS2 – Nowe Standardy Cyberbezpieczeństwa w Branży Transportowej
W odpowiedzi na rosnące zagrożenia cybernetyczne w Europie, Unia Europejska wprowadziła nowe przepisy dotyczące cyberbezpieczeństwa, znane jako Dyrektywa NIS2. Zmiany te mają na celu wzmocnienie ochrony infrastruktury krytycznej, w tym sektora transportu i spedycji, przed cyberatakami. Jako firma transportowo-spedycyjna, jesteśmy zobowiązani do dostosowania się do tych regulacji, aby zapewnić bezpieczne i niezawodne operacje.
Czym jest Dyrektywa NIS2?
Dyrektywa NIS2 (Network and Information Security) została wprowadzona w grudniu 2022 roku i stanowi rozszerzenie poprzedniej dyrektywy NIS. Nowe przepisy zwiększają zakres sektorów objętych obowiązkiem ochrony przed zagrożeniami cyfrowymi, w tym branży transportowej, oraz zaostrzają wymogi dotyczące cyberbezpieczeństwa.
Dyrektywa NIS2 nakłada na przedsiębiorstwa obowiązek:
– Zwiększenia zabezpieczeń sieci i systemów informatycznych.
– Regularnej analizy ryzyka i aktualizacji strategii bezpieczeństwa.
– Szybkiego reagowania na incydenty cybernetyczne i zgłaszania ich do odpowiednich organów w terminie do 24 godzin.
– Utrzymania standardów bezpieczeństwa na poziomie zarządzania firmą, co oznacza, że kierownictwo jest odpowiedzialne za przestrzeganie przepisów i zarządzanie ryzykiem cybernetycznym.
Jakie to ma znaczenie dla branży transportowej?
Transport jest jednym z kluczowych sektorów objętych Dyrektywą NIS2. Z uwagi na coraz większą zależność branży od systemów cyfrowych – od zarządzania flotą, przez logistykę, po monitorowanie przesyłek – konieczne jest wzmocnienie ochrony przed potencjalnymi zagrożeniami, które mogą zakłócić łańcuch dostaw. Cyberataki mogą prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji, takich jak opóźnienia w dostawach, utrata danych lub nawet zakłócenie funkcjonowania całej firmy.
Jak się przygotowujemy?
W naszej firmie kładziemy szczególny nacisk na bezpieczeństwo cyfrowe, dlatego:
– Inwestujemy w najnowsze rozwiązania technologiczne, które chronią nasze systemy przed cyberzagrożeniami.
– Przeprowadzamy regularne szkolenia dla naszych pracowników z zakresu cyberbezpieczeństwa.
– Wdrożyliśmy procedury szybkiego reagowania na incydenty oraz stałą analizę ryzyka.
– Współpracujemy z wyspecjalizowanymi firmami IT, które monitorują nasze systemy 24/7, aby minimalizować ryzyko ataków.
Zaufaj bezpiecznemu partnerowi logistycznemu
Nasza firma działa w oparciu o najwyższe standardy cyberbezpieczeństwa, zgodnie z wymogami Dyrektywy NIS2. Dzięki temu nasi klienci mogą być pewni, że ich przesyłki są nie tylko dostarczane na czas, ale także chronione przed zagrożeniami cyfrowymi. Zaufaj nam jako swojemu bezpiecznemu partnerowi transportowo-logistycznemu!
The release of the ‘Business Personalities Calendar’ for the benefit of the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your Life!
On 13 January 2023, the Verte Warsaw Autograph Collection Hotel hosted a charity gala for the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your Life! with the participation of the GLOB-TRANS ITIS Management Board. During the gala, the ‘Business Personalities Calendar’ was presented and auctioned for people suffering from cancer. The individual pages of the calendar were illustrated with pictures of well-known personalities from the world of business, including Ms Sylwia Duch-Przybyłko, the President of the board of GLOB-TRANS ITIS. The whole income from the sale of the calendar has been donated to the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your Life!
You are welcome to buy this beautiful calendar at the link: https://allegro.pl/oferta/kalendarz-dla-fundacji-rak-n-roll-wygraj-zycie-13141696987

Certificate AEO
The audit procedure performed has established that GLOB-TRANS ITIS fulfils the conditions and required criteria of the EU customs legislation. The AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) status, which has been obtained once again, proves that the company management level remains high and that all processes taking place in the company meet the requirements of customs and tax regulations. The AEO status confirms the company’s financial stability, adequate safety and security management in areas such as logistics or IT, and that the employees are highly competent and professionally qualified to perform their tasks.

Certificate ISO 9001:2015
Once again, the TÜV Rheinland Management Systems Certification Body has cofirmed that the management system at Glob-Trans ITiS Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

Award in the category “The Business Leader in International Transport and Freight Forwarding”
On 25 March 2022 in Warsaw, the XV edition of the Polish Businesswomen Awards took place with the participation of well-known personalities from the world of media and business. The glamorous event was honoured with the presence of Polish show-business celebrities, including Magdalena Mołek, Edyta Górniak and Krzysztof Ibisz. During the Gala Awards Ceremony, an auction for the benefit of abandoned children from orphanages in Ukraine – the children in care of the SOS Children’s Villages foundation – took place.
The Gala Ceremony was hosted by Jacek Borkowski and the guests were welcomed by Elżbieta Jeznach – the editor-in-chief of the “Businesswoman & Life” magazine.
In this year’s edition of the competition, the President of the Board of GLOB-TRANS ITiS Ms Sylwia Duch-Przybyłko was granted an award in the category: The Business Leader in International Transport and Freight Forwarding.

Release of the “50 Business Leaders. Heart to Heart ” book
The President of the Management Board of GLOB-TRANS ITIS Ms Sylwia Duch-Bernaś took part in a great initiative supporting the Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development.
The unique publication of the “50 Business Leaders. Heart to Heart ” book, in which the President of the Management Board, Ms. Sylwia Duch-Bernaś told her story, attracted many famous names and personalities from the world of business. The release of the book took place in Warsaw, in the beautiful interiors of the Airport Hotel Okęcie and it was an exceptional meeting of business and show business people. During the gala, auctions of many gifts were held, the total proceeds of which have been donated to the Foundation, which is currently collecting funds for children’s heart prostheses.

New logo of Glob-Trans ITiS
We are happy to inform you that since the beginning of this year, we have had a new logo. The change is a very important event in our business. This is a further step towards progressive changes, reinforcement of present ties and establishment of new relations with the environment, as well as continuation of the company development. The market position must be fought for not only when things do not go well, but also under favourable circumstances, because you not only have to know how to reach the top – but how to stay there as well.
The new logo will gradually replace the previous one on all carriers and materials related to Glob-Trans ITiS. In the foreseeable future it will also be presented on our website, on our social media presences, in the company documents and new advertising and communication materials as well.
We do hope that the new logo of Glob-Trans ITiS will be well received and that it will convey in a positive and friendly way the changes that have been made in our company over the years.
We are always at Your service.
We are up to date
In response to the restrictions imposed by the Belgian authorities, we kindly inform you that our drivers travelling to that country have received specific declaration statements.
Dynamic development
Company development would not be possible without us deeply caring for employee development and improvement of their professional qualifications (more on that soon…) and without investments in the expansion of our vehicle fleet. In order to meet the expectations of our business partners, we have expanded our fleet by new tractor units. We have also purchased modern KRONE semi-trailers, thanks to which we will be able to reduce loading and unloading times. Thanks to the manoeuvrability of our new semi-trailers, we are able to deliver goods not only to large cities, but also to areas where efficient manoeuvring in a limited space is required. We know that time is money. One could say that in transport – time is gold. Therefore, we deeply believe that our investments will contribute to the optimisation of time and timeliness of deliveries, and, as a consequence, to the satisfaction of our business partners.
We sponsored the farewell event for the graduates of international logistics
Glob-Trans ITiS was the main sponsor and the provider of prizes during the event that took place on Saturday, 29th February, at the Faculty of “International Management” of the Cracow University of Economics. The President of the Management Board of Glob-Trans ITiS – Sylwia Duch-Bernaś – participated in the farewell ceremony for the Graduates of International Logistics of 2020 (http://katzm.uek.krakow.pl/pozegnanie-absolwentow-2020). During the official part of this event, in the presence of the authorities and employees of the university, letters of congratulations were given out to all graduates of 2020, and those most active and distinguished were honoured. This was a particularly active, ambitious and productive year, as indicated e. g. by the fact that the students created an on-line platform for all employees and students of the Cracow University of Economics related to logistics and interested in this topic. We hope that in the future some of this year’s graduates will enter the ranks of our employees…